Friday, January 31, 2003

Intern Application

Casa del Pastor

::Intern application for service::


date of birth____________________

address________________________ zip_____

ADRESES(none needed ifsame as above)________________________________________________

Phone number---------------------------------------------------- alt. Contact (parents)

Emer. Contacts-------------------------------------------------------

NAME of parents or closest relative . Contact names)___________________________________-

Email address____________________________________
web site ______________________________

::Home church information::

Name of church ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Address of church--------------------------------------------------------------------

Phone # --------------------------------------- email address -----------------------

College or youth pastor ------------------------------------------------------ sr. pastor / elder -------------------------------------------

More about yourself

Are you in college? ----------- if yes, where ------------------------------------------------------------

If not, what are you doing or plan to do after summer__________________________________________

Are you currently working _____________________________
if yes, where ________________________

Tell us about your hobbies, interests, special skills, and what you do for fun:

Attached to this application, we will need the fallowing information:

1) letter of recommendation from your home church, preferably your pastor sr. pastor, or elder in charge of missions.

2) Brief life history in clouding your testimony, future plans and goals. Also on this page, include an explanation of why you would like to help and work with RLM.

3) A recent photo of yourself.

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