Below you will see our our photos of Dec events !
1] Pilar and Carlos were married after a 11 month engagement and plenty of scurtinity from Pastor KIKI,Beti,and Lisa and I .. We watched and prayed as this couple trurned to the LORD in their relationship and then tied the knot with Carlos' dad Pastor KIKI marrying them on Dec.4th 2009 2&3]Then on the 5th of Dec CDP held our Christmas Party and wants to say thank you for all the gifts and the love shown to our moms and children. 4$5]Then on Dec 6th Lisa turned 50 and we had a suprise birthday party with all the family at the Rancho Refresco near San Vicente. That is not all then towards the end of the month we had a christmas gift bags that were taken to Las Brisas and the children were so very happy (missing photos of this event! blog later oh well all was wonderful and a blessing to all!!!!!!!!
Thank you each and everyone of you who help of your time, prayers, and resourses . We love you ! You know who you are !!!!! More importantly Jesus knows who you are !!!