Thursday, November 29, 2007

Her biggest desire was to ride in a limo , imagine that (to ride in a limo is something I never imagined ni wanted to do but she did) The Lord did know and HE gave her a very generous Padrino who blessed her with 4 hours of passing around the big city of Ensendad. Her other madrinas gave her dinner and a night in a hotel so she invited all her girlfreinds and they had a blast .
She has her big celebration the first week of Dec 2007 and I ask for those that read this to lift her up in prayer that heart and her mind to be set on JESUS and to follow HIM closely

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reyna looks absaloutly beautiful! I cried when I received her invitation to her quicinera and knew I would be unable to go, but was so happy to hear from her. I am thrilled to know she had a wonderful time and see her beautiful picture!
-Amy (w/ RVCC)